Monday, August 26, 2013

A Week At A Glance

This week in Reading Street we will be reading the story, What About Me?  Our question for the week is, "What can I learn by trading with others?"  Our story will  be introducing the idea of bartering and trading and how all can benefit.  Briefly the fable  is about... Once there was a boy who hungered for knowledge. So he went to see a Grand Master who might teach him. But the Grand Master sent him on a hunt for a carpet, which led to a search for thread, and then to a search for
goat hair, goats, a goat pen, and a wife for the carpenter. As the boy worked to help others get what they needed, he learned that the best gifts come when a person is giving and that knowledge can come when we least expect it. You can try the following activity at home to solidify understanding:  What Can I Do For You? Together, spend an hour doing something for someone else. You might make a neighbor cookies, fix a broken toy for your brother or sister, or leave fun notes for those you love. How did doing something for someone else make you feel? What gift did you get from giving?

Our comprehension focus this week is Sequencing.  Sequence of events is the order in which things happen in a story—what happens first, next, and last. Picturing the story in your mind as you read may help you remember the order of events.

Our spelling patterns for the week are the plural endings _s, _es, _ies.

Our conventions for the week focus on subjects and predicates.  Do any of us remember what that even means?  A sentence tells a complete idea with a subject and predicate. A subject tells who or what the sentence is about. A predicate tells what the subject is or does. In the first sentence the subject is underlined, and in the second sentence the predicate is underlined.
The boys climb the tree.
They laugh and play.

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