Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Much Needed Fall Break!

Whew!  That was a much needed fall break!  I hope that you all had either a restful, or an adventurous weekend with beautiful colors and incredible weather.  Now it's back to work for all of us =)

This week in school we are continuing on with subtraction models, algorithms, and problem solving.  We are practicing our subtraction math facts fluency and getting quicker and more efficient every day.  We LOVE MATH!

Students will be learning about American patriotic symbols and completing projects that describe each symbol in social studies.

In Language Arts this week we will be reading the selection, "Prudy's Problems."  Prudy has a collection. Her problem is that it is a collection of everything anyone could possibly collect. It
is taking over her house. It is taking over her life. Prudy is forced to come up with a solution. She decides to build an enormous museum for all her collections. The project is wildly successful, and she happily continues to collect and display her treasures.  If we look closely at our own situations we too can find great solutions to our problems.  What a wonderful lesson to learn even in the third grade!  This week we will be focusing on drawing conclusions as a comprehension strategy.  A conclusion is a decision or opinion that makes sense based on facts and details.  When you use information you read or already know to make decisions about a text,  you are drawing conclusions.  Not the easiest thing to do but we are learning "how to" strategies and getting smarter! We are also learning about irregular plural nouns.  An irregular plural noun is not spelled by adding -s or -es to the singular. For example, the plural of man is not mans but men. Irregular plural nouns must be learned because they do not follow the regular rules. Some examples are: mouse, geese, and children.
We are spending our time writing fairy tales this week- so exciting!  We get to use our wild imaginations to create, create, create!  So yes, we are busy and amazing all rolled into one!

High fives to all who have been prepared and ready to present Current Events to our class.  Students are well informed and do a wonderful job of presenting the news! We have learned about the government shut down, active volcanoes and even lost hunters.  Keep up the good work all you budding news girls and boys!

It's that time again that we are looking forward to Parent Teacher Conferences. 
Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up on Nov. 6-7. The Online Scheduler is available on Altara's home page or sign up below.
1. Click the following icon:

2. Scroll down to "Altara Elementary" and click "go."
3. Type in the school password (altara) and click "login."
4. Type in your student's ID number.
(hint: The student ID is the username for Envision Math found on the sticker inside of your child's homework folder.)
5. Select an available time slot that works best for you.
If you have any problems or would like support setting up your schedule, feel free to visit the office or call Susan Taylor, our school secretary, for assistance. 
Hope to see you there!
As promised I'll end this post with pics from our fieldtrip.  It was a beautiful day and we loved the Wetlands.  Thanks to our wonderful and amazing volunteers who came along to join in the fun Have a great week!

                                                                Aren't we AWESOME!


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