Monday, November 11, 2013

Information Cube Book Reports

This week in our language block we will be reviewing spelling patterns and comprehension strategies that we have learned the last six weeks.  Our homework this week is two comprehension passages highlighting some of these strategies.  This task will help prepare us for our end of unit test this Friday. 
We are also continuing on with our multiplication meanings topic, taking a better look at repeated addition, arrays, skip counting, and jumps on a number line.  All of these strategies show equal grouping to help solidify multiplication meanings. Today we learned the ancient secrets of 1s and 0s in multiplication.  Shh...You can ask your student if you dare (that is if you can keep a secret). 

This month we will be reading information books (expository text).  Our book report project is a 3 dimensional  information cube.  Because the cubes are so small, students may choose to type their text and then glue this information to the sides of the cubes.   Cubes are due Thursday, Nov. 21.  We will be sharing what we learned from this project in small groups.    Rubric and cube template are found inside homework folders.  Good luck- I can hardly wait to see our amazing work!

Thank you for attending Parent/Teacher Conferences last week.  It was wonderful to be able to speak with you about successes and goals chosen by your student. Thank you for your support and willingness to create a partnership where your student's needs are the common focus.

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