Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Week At A Glance

Welcome back from a nice long weekend!  We got right to work today and WOW! We are superstars!
This week we started our language by asking some questions, What behaviors are unique to different animals?  What  behavior is unique to your favorite animal? Why do you think the animal behaves that way? So if you haven't guessed we will be talking about animals and their unique adaptations.  This week we will be reading about magnificent birds in the selections, Fly Eagle, Fly; Eagle Watching; and  Birds of Prey.
We will also be learning about prepositions, cause and effect, and multisyllabic words- not to mention reviewing suffixes, generalizations, summarizing, and fact and opinion. Bet you wish you were in 3rd grade!
We are still moving on with our multiplication and division drills this week as well as introducing geometry in our whole group math.  Please encourage your student to continue to practice math facts every night.  So much to do and so little time! Remember we will be celebrating our great thinking with a multiplication party after spring break.  Good luck students- you can do it!
Parent conferences are just around the corner- please take a minute and sign up for a convenient time.

. Click the following icon:

2. Scroll down to "Altara Elementary" and click "go."
3. Type in the school password (altara) and click "login."
4. Type in your student's ID number.
(hint: The student ID is the username for Envision Math found on the sticker inside of your child's homework folder.)
5. Select an available time slot that works best for you.
If you have any problems or would like support setting up your schedule, feel free to visit the office or call Susan Taylor, our school secretary, for assistance. 
Hope to see you there!

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